Admiral's Choice
Pipe Tobacco
Only $14.99 Per Bag!!!
NEW!!! Sutliff Pipe
Tobacco Galleria
8 Great Blends!!!
Up To 50% Off MSRP
Lark (Saddle Bit)
Dr. Grabow Lark
I can’t prove it but I believe these pipes got their name for those of us who want to have a smoke just "on a lark".
With a fairly small bowl design, compared to other models, the Lark Pipes provide a quick, cool, pleasing puff-ability.
All Dr. Grabow pipes are push stem and use the standard 6mm
Dr. Grabow filters or the less expensive Medico filters
List Price: $50.00
Your Price: $39.95
* Whole number only
Lark - Straight Short Stem - Carved Bowl - Accepts 6mm Filters
List Price: $50.00
Your Price: $39.95
* Whole number only
Lark - Straight Saddle Bit Stem - Smooth Bowl - Uses 6mm Filters
List Price: $50.00
Your Price: $39.95
* Whole number only
Lark - Straight Short Stem - Carved Bowl - Accepts 6mm Filters
List Price: $50.00
Your Price: $37.00 ON SALE!!!
* Whole number only
Lark - Straight Short Stem - Smooth Bowl - Accepts 6mm Filters
List Price: $50.00
Your Price: $39.95
* Whole number only
Lark - Straight Saddle Bit Stem - Smooth Bowl - Accepts 6mm Filters
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Captain Black Pipe Tobacco
Tins, Pouches and Now available in Bulk(by the ounce)!
Up To 30% Off MSRP
Corn Cob Pipes by Missouri Meerschaum
Up To 50% Off MSRP
Zippo Pipe Lighters

Over 30% Off MSRP