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       Admiral's Choice
         Pipe Tobacco
       Only $14.99 Per Bag!!!
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              8 Great Blends!!!

                     Up To 50% Off MSRP

Admiral's Choice Pipe Tobacco

Admiral's Choice Pipe Tobacco
Admiral's Choice was the house brand of pipe tobaccos for one of the largest chains of pharmacies in the US. They recently decided to stop carrying all tobacco products but we have your favorite blend of Admiral's Choice whether it be the Black and Gold Cavendish, Cherry Cavendish, Natural Cavendish or the Vanilla Cavendish. Made in the USA by Sutliff Tobacco Co.
Displaying products 1 - 4 of 4 results
Admiral's Choice Black & Gold Cavendish (8oz Bag)
List Price: $18.00
Your Price: $14.99
Admiral's Choice Black & Gold Cavendish (8oz Bag)
Admiral's Choice Black and Gold 8oz Bag - The vanilla casing definitely comes through with this crowd pleaser. Yet this delicious blend is more than just a crowd pleaser. It lights easily and burns well; it smokes smooth without any bite.
Admiral's Choice Cherry Cavendish (8oz Bag)
List Price: $18.00
Your Price: $14.99
Admiral's Choice Cherry Cavendish (8oz Bag)
Admiral's Choice Cherry 8oz Bag - This pleasant tasting Cherry blend lights easily and burns well making it a great all day smoke. There is no better way to relax than getting lost in this savory blend's thick clouds of smoke.
Admiral's Choice Natural Cavendish (8oz Bag)
List Price: $18.00
Your Price: $14.99
Admiral's Choice Natural Cavendish (8oz Bag)
Admiral's Choice Natural 8oz Bag - This appealing blend features a nutty burley taste which enhances other blends. It is a greater blender; it smokes cool and dry; it leaves no dottle; it has a pleasant room note.
Admiral's Choice Vanilla Cavendish (8oz Bag)
List Price: $18.00
Your Price: $14.99
Admiral's Choice Vanilla Cavendish (8oz Bag)
Admiral's Choice Vanilla 8oz Bag - There is much to like about this sweet nutty blend. It lights easily; it has a pleasant aroma; the vanilla is not overpowering.
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Captain Black Pipe Tobacco
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