Admiral's Choice
Pipe Tobacco
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NEW!!! Sutliff Pipe
Tobacco Galleria
8 Great Blends!!!
Up To 50% Off MSRP
Aldo Velani COLLECTION "A" Pipes
Aldo Velani Collection "A" pipes. Available in assorted shapes and assorted finishes with Acrylic mouthpieces. Beautiful, Quality Briar Pipes at one of the Best Values in the Smoking world.
List Price: $95.00
Your Price: $75.00
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Briar Pipe - Beautifully Grained Dark Walnut Smooth Bowl with Slightly Bent Acrylic Stem - Non Filtered -
List Price: $95.00
Your Price: $75.00
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Briar Pipe - Beautiful Carved Dark Finished Bowl with Bent Contrasting Red Swirl Acrylic Stem - Non Filtered
List Price: $95.00
Your Price: $75.00
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Briar Pipe - Beautiful Rusticated Dark Brown Large Bowl with Bent Contrasting Emerald Color Acrylic Stem - Non Filtered
List Price: $110.00
Your Price: $85.00 RARE SHAPE!!!
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Briar Pipe - Beautiful Rusticated Dark Brown Bowl - Bent Contrasting Acrylic Stem with Silver Accent Ring - Non Filtered
List Price: $85.00
Your Price: $75.00
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Italian Briar Pipe - Beautifully Grained Smooth Dark Cherry Finished Bowl - Straight Contrasting Acrylic Stem - Non Filtered
List Price: $95.00
Your Price: $75.00
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Briar Pipe - Beautifully Rusticated Brown Bowl with Bent Acrylic Stem - Non Filtered
List Price: $95.00
Your Price: $75.00
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Briar Pipe - Beautiful Dark Brown Rusticated Bowl with Bent Acrylic Stem - Non Filtered
List Price: $99.00
Your Price: $75.00
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Briar Pipe - Beautiful Dark Sandblasted Unfiltered Bowl - Straight Contrasting White Acrylic Stem - BEAUTIFUL RARE PIPES!!!
List Price: $120.00
Your Price: $79.95 Rare Pipe!!!
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Collection Italian Pipe - Made in Italy - Beautifully Grained Unfiltered Smooth Bowl - Bent Contrasting Acrylic Stem - BEAUTIFUL RARE PIPES!!!
List Price: $120.00
Your Price: $79.95 Rare Pipe!!!
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Collection Italian Pipe - Made in Italy - Beautiful Dark Finished Smooth Bowl - Bent Contrasting Acrylic Swirl Stem - BEAUTIFUL RARE PIPES!!!
List Price: $120.00
Your Price: $79.95 Rare Pipe!!!
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Collection Italian Pipe - Made in Italy - Beautifully Grained Unfiltered Smooth SITTER Style Bowl - Slightly Bent Contrasting Yellow Acrylic Stem - BEAUTIFUL RARE PIPES!!!
List Price: $120.00
Your Price: $79.95 Rare Pipe!!!
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Collection Italian Pipe - Made in Italy - Rusticated Black Bowl with a wire-brushed line carving that's eye-catching and feels great in the hand - Slightly Bent Contrasting Yellow Acrylic Stem - BEAUTIFUL RARE PIPES!!!
List Price: $120.00
Your Price: $79.95 Rare Pipe!!!
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Collection Italian Pipe - Made in Italy - Rusticated Raised Grain Dark Brown Bowl with a Smooth Rim that's eye-catching and feels great in the hand - Straight Contrasting Swirl Acrylic Stem - BEAUTIFUL RARE PIPES!!!
List Price: $120.00
Your Price: $79.95 RARE PIPE!!!
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Collection Italian Pipe - Made in Italy - Beautiful Dark Sandblasted Unfiltered Bowl - Straight Contrasting White Acrylic Stem - BEAUTIFUL RARE PIPES!!!
List Price: $120.00
Your Price: $79.95 RARE PIPE!!!
* Whole number only
Aldo Velani Collection Italian Pipe - Made in Italy - Beautiful Dark Sandblasted Unfiltered Bowl - Straight Contrasting White Acrylic Stem - BEAUTIFUL RARE PIPES!!!
Captain Black Pipe Tobacco
Tins, Pouches and Now available in Bulk(by the ounce)!
Up To 30% Off MSRP
Corn Cob Pipes by Missouri Meerschaum
Up To 50% Off MSRP
Zippo Pipe Lighters

Over 30% Off MSRP