Admiral's Choice
Pipe Tobacco
Only $14.99 Per Bag!!!
NEW!!! Sutliff Pipe
Tobacco Galleria
8 Great Blends!!!
Up To 50% Off MSRP
Swisher Sweets Cigars
Made in the good ol' U.S.A., Swisher cigars are made with quality tobaccos that result in a mild, sweet, and satisfying smoke. No matter where you go, Swisher Sweets cigars are always a top seller. Swisher cigars are also available in a number of popular sizes and shapes with a choice of natural or assorted flavors.
List Price: $15.00
Your Price: $10.99
Natural - Mild - Petite Corona - 4 3/4 X 42 - A mild, sweet cigar produced with a combination of a unique blend of quality tobaccos with special flavorings. These cigars are made in the U.S.
List Price: $7.50
Your Price: $5.50
Swisher Sweets Giants (6.12X44) Are Lonsdale sized machine made cigars. Manufactured by Swisher International, the brand has been satisfying smokers since the late 1800s, and the Giants are one of our most requested sizes.
List Price: $7.00
Your Price: $5.25
Swisher Perfectos - An affordable, tasty treat for both budget & time conscious aficionados. Machine-made with a blend of choice tobaccos to provide a smooth profile of your favorite flavors.
Captain Black Pipe Tobacco
Tins, Pouches and Now available in Bulk(by the ounce)!
Up To 30% Off MSRP
Corn Cob Pipes by Missouri Meerschaum
Up To 50% Off MSRP
Zippo Pipe Lighters

Over 30% Off MSRP