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Holger Danske

Holger Danske Quality Pipe Tobacco

Holger Danske, or Ogier the Dane, is a popular character in European literature. He first appeared in Old French poetry, most notably as either the enemy of Charlemagne or as one of his knights. It's fitting then for this line of Danish-style tobaccos to be named for the eponymous hero. Using the finest Virginias, Burleys, and Cavendish, Holger Danske specializes in superior quality, Danish-style blends.
Displaying products 1 - 2 of 2 results
Holger Danske Black and Bourbon (1.75oz. Tin)
List Price: $15.00
Your Price: $12.99
Holger Danske Black and Bourbon (1.75oz. Tin)
Holger Danske Black and Bourbon features double-fermented Black Cavendish mixed with toasted U.S. Burley. A balanced top flavor, dissolved into bourbon whiskey emphasizes the mellow character of this mixture.
Holger Danske Mango and Vanilla (1.75oz. Tin)
List Price: $15.00
Your Price: $12.99
Holger Danske Mango and Vanilla (1.75oz. Tin)
Holger Danske Mango and Vanilla is a blend of selected, slightly toasted Virginia and Burley tobaccos topped with mango fruit and a touch of vanilla, promoting a unique, tropical character and delightful room note.
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Captain Black Pipe Tobacco
 Tins, Pouches and Now available in Bulk(by the ounce)!
Up To 30% Off MSRP
 Corn Cob Pipes by Missouri Meerschaum

Up To 50% Off MSRP 


   Zippo Pipe Lighters
       Over 30% Off MSRP