Admiral's Choice
Pipe Tobacco
Only $14.99 Per Bag!!!
NEW!!! Sutliff Pipe
Tobacco Galleria
8 Great Blends!!!
Up To 50% Off MSRP
Dill's Permium Pipe Cleaners
List Price: $5.19
Your Price: $3.95
Briar Fresh - 2oz. - A new formulation for cleaning residue from the inside of the stem, drafthole & chamber, dip a pipe cleaner in the solution and run it through your pipe to remove built-up tars and gunk.
List Price: $3.50
Your Price: $2.49
Dill's premium bristle style pipe cleaners come in neat cardboard packs. Each pack contains 32 all-cotton,extra-absorbent,sturdy,6-inch bristle pipe cleaners.
List Price: $55.00
Your Price: $44.95 Best Value !!!
Dill's premium bristle style pipe cleaners (20 packs) come in neat cardboard packs. Each pack contains 32 all-cotton,extra-absorbent,sturdy,6-inch bristle pipe cleaners.
List Price: $21.00
Your Price: $13.95
Dill's premium bristle style pipe cleaners(6 packs) come in neat cardboard packs. Each pack contains 32 all-cotton,extra-absorbent,sturdy,6-inch bristle pipe cleaners.
List Price: $3.50
Your Price: $2.49
Dill's premium pipe cleaners for everyday use come in neat cardboard packs. Each pack contains 32 all-cotton,extra-absorbent,sturdy,6-inch regular pipe cleaners.
List Price: $55.00
Your Price: $44.95 Best Value !!!
Dill's premium pipe cleaners (20 packs) for everyday use come in neat cardboard packs. Each pack contains 32 all-cotton,extra-absorbent,sturdy,6-inch regular pipe cleaners.
List Price: $21.00
Your Price: $13.95
Dill's premium pipe cleaners(6 packs)for everyday use come in neat cardboard packs. Each pack contains 32 all-cotton,extra-absorbent,sturdy,6-inch regular pipe cleaners.
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Captain Black Pipe Tobacco
Tins, Pouches and Now available in Bulk(by the ounce)!
Up To 30% Off MSRP
Corn Cob Pipes by Missouri Meerschaum
Up To 50% Off MSRP
Zippo Pipe Lighters

Over 30% Off MSRP